Some Words About Physics, Python And The World In General

How much storage does the "Energiewende" need? Roughly?

To get some rought estimates we will at first decide to ignore a few things outright:

  1. that Germany is not alone but part of a European wide grid
  2. Sectorcoupling, i.e. that you can store energy in form of heat, or switch your heating between electric power and burning fossile fuels directly

There are much more sophisticated tools which include these like: PyPSA

Our data source is (be sure to select country not bidding zone which is the default) where you can download the data once you created an account. We use the data for load and production for all of 2016. The data comes in 15min time resolution. This Jupyter notebook can also be accessed here.

In [1]:
%matplotlib notebook
import numpy as np
import pandas
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import datetime
import warnings
In [2]:
#setup a date parser so we can aggregate the data later
dateparse = lambda x: pandas.datetime.strptime(x[:16], '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M')  

#import data with pandas
load = pandas.read_csv("Total Load - Day Ahead - Actual_201601010000-201701010000.csv",
generation = pandas.read_csv("Actual Generation per Production Type_201601010000-201701010000.csv",

We will make another assumption concerning power from biomass. Not only does it appear the growth period for biomass in Germany is over, there are also good reasons to not push it any further. In essence, their efficiency is below those of wind and solar, and its use needs to be limited in order to be sustainable.

We will therefore include the generation from biomass into the load, which we assume stays constant over all calculations, while we will scale the production (e.g. wind and solar) up to different values.

In [3]:

wind_year = generation.filter(regex="Wind.*Actual Aggregated.*").sum().sum()
solar_year = generation.filter(regex="Solar.*Actual Aggregated.*").sum().sum()
bio_year = generation.filter(regex="Biomass.*Actual Aggregated.*").sum().sum()
other_renew = generation.filter(regex="(Waste|Geothermal|Marine|renewable|Hydro Run|Hydro Water).*Actual Aggregated.*").sum().sum()
fossile = generation.filter(regex="(Fossil|Nuclear).*Actual Aggregated.*").sum().sum()

tmp = np.array([wind_year,solar_year,bio_year,other_renew,fossile])/1E6*0.25
labels = ["wind","solar","bio","other","fossile+nuclear"]
ax = plt.subplot()
left = 0
for idx in range(len(tmp)):
    left += tmp[idx]
In [4]:
# next we grab the parts that we acually need
# there are some nans in the data mostly because of winter/summer time changes, 
# we fill all missing values from both sides

prod_15_df = generation["Wind Offshore  - Actual Aggregated [MW]"].fillna(method='ffill')
prod_15_df += generation["Wind Onshore  - Actual Aggregated [MW]"].fillna(method='ffill')
prod_15_df += generation["Solar  - Actual Aggregated [MW]"].fillna(method='ffill')

# we also convert the data to MWh, since we have the average for every 15min we just multiply by 1/4 h, 
# e.g. x MW * 0.25 h -> MWh
prod_15_df *= 0.25
prod_15 = prod_15_df.values

load_15_df = load["Actual Total Load [MW] - Germany (DE)"].fillna(method="ffill")
# the biomass production gets subtracted from the load as we assume it stays constant
load_15_df -= generation["Biomass  - Actual Aggregated [MW]"].fillna(method='ffill')
other_renew = generation.filter(regex="(Waste|Geothermal|renewable|Hydro Run|Hydro Water).*Actual Aggregated.*")
for col in other_renew.columns:
    load_15_df -= generation[col].fillna(method="ffill")
load_15_df *= 0.25
load_15 = load_15_df.values
Geothermal  - Actual Aggregated [MW]
Hydro Run-of-river and poundage  - Actual Aggregated [MW]
Hydro Water Reservoir  - Actual Aggregated [MW]
Other renewable  - Actual Aggregated [MW]
Waste  - Actual Aggregated [MW]

How much do renewables contribute?

The data set also contains data for other renewable energy production, which are quite minor in Germany. The first thing to do now is to scale up the production of solar and wind so that it will match the yearly energy consumption.

In [5]:
scale = np.sum(load_15)/np.sum(prod_15)
print("yearly load {:.2f}TWh\nyear's renewable production {:.2f}TWh".format(np.sum(load_15)/1E6,np.sum(prod_15)/1E6))
print("upscaling factor: {:.2f}".format(scale))
prod_fit = prod_15 * scale
yearly load 423.55TWh
year's renewable production 111.27TWh
upscaling factor: 3.81

As we can see, we need about 4x as many renewables than what is currently installed in Germany, just provide enough electricity as is needed during one year. We more or less already knew that, since renewables only account for 1/4 to 1/5 of Germany electricity supply.

Before we have a look at the data, there is one more thing to point out, as there seems to be a bit of a mismatch between the numbers here and, for example, the data on this wikipedia page or this German one, that all list different number for the overall electricity consumption in 2016.

I assume that the numbers in this data here concern only the electricity which was traded via the spot market, while other data may also contain other long term contracts. Whatever may be the case, for a rough number it should be good.

So let's have a look at the data:

In [6]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,4))
ax1 = plt.subplot()
x = generation.index

As we might expect, we see a very constant and somewhat predictable load curve, while production varies wildly.

In [7]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,4))
ax1 = plt.subplot()
x = generation.index
start = 1500
stop = start + 14*24*4

If we zoom in on these two weeks in January, we can see one of the major problems to face already. During the first week we have almost constantly too little production, while in the second week we have excess production for most of the time. So we need to store the energy not only for a few hours (from mid day to provide light during the evening, for example), but for at least a full week.

So let's calculate how much we will store or draw from storage. We will ignore any losses at first, just for some very simple approximations. We just calculate the difference between production and consumption at any point in time:

$$D_t = P_t - C_t$$

We can then sum up this difference over time, which will give us the storage level at any point:

$$S_t = \sum_{i=0}^t P_i - C_i$$

Since we set $\sum_T P_t = \sum_T C_t$ we know that $S_t$ will be 0 for $t = T$ or, in other words, we will end with the same level in the storage as we begun. However, we might run below zero during the course of the year. To correct for that we just subtract the minumum point afterwards, as you will see.

In [48]:
diff_15 = prod_fit - load_15  #our D_t
storage_15 = np.cumsum(diff_15)  #S_t

x = generation.index
ax1 = plt.subplot()
lines = ax1.plot(x,prod_fit/1E3,label="production")
lines += ax1.plot(x,load_15/1E3,label="load")


ax2 = ax1.twinx()
#lines += ax2.plot(x,(storage_15)/1E6,'k--',label="storage")
lines += ax2.plot(x,(storage_15-min(storage_15))/1E6,'k',label="storage")
labels = [l.get_label() for l in lines]


It is important to note that we changed the scale of the storage axis (from GWh to TWh!), as otherwise we could not see anything.

So let's zoom in again into the two weeks of January.

In [47]:
x = generation.index
start = 1500
stop = start + 14*24*4

ax1 = plt.subplot()
lines = ax1.plot(x[start:stop],prod_fit[start:stop]/1E3,label="production")
lines += ax1.plot(x[start:stop],load_15[start:stop]/1E3,label="load")


ax2 = ax1.twinx()
#lines += ax2.plot(x,(storage_15)/1E6,'k--',label="storage")
lines += ax2.plot(x[start:stop],(storage_15[start:stop]-min(storage_15))/1E6,'k',label="storage")
labels = [l.get_label() for l in lines]


As we would expect, storage gets drained during the first week and filled up again in the second. You might be wondering if the storage needed would change if we would include the beginning of the next and the end of the last year. Indeed we leave the storage the same way we found, however if the following year would require a higher starting level it would indeed change the outcome. However since we already analyzed a full year and each year is at least somewhat similar due to the seasons, including another week or minth should not change much about the estimation. The data is also available, so the analysis can be done, but for an estimate it‘s not really needed.

But how much storage do we need now?

In [26]:
storage_needed_15 = (np.max(storage_15)-np.min(storage_15))
print("storage needed {:.2f} TWh".format(storage_needed_15/1E6 ))
storage needed 22.98 TWh

Well ok 23 TWh, but how much is that?

Let's see: we can compare it to pumped hydro storage

In [27]:
current_hydro = 37700  #MWh in Germany from Wikipedia
print("current pumped hydro: {} TWh\nupscale factor: {:.0f}".format(current_hydro/1E6,storage_needed_15/current_hydro))
current pumped hydro: 0.0377 TWh
upscale factor: 610

Ok, so we need more than 600x as much hydro as we currently have. So that does not seem like a good strategy.

What about Batteries?

Li-Ion batteries are all the rage these days, so why don‘t we use some of them? Lets see how many we would need.

In [28]:
tesla_model_s = 0.1  #MWh
tesla_power_wall = 0.013 #MWh
tesla_power_pack = 0.2 #MWh
print("{:13,.0f} Model S batteries or\n{:13,.0f} power walls or\n{:13,.0f} power packs.".format(
  229,833,410 Model S batteries or
1,767,949,310 power walls or
  114,916,705 power packs.

So if we compare this with some of the well known Tesla products that use batteries we still find we a need a lot. In fact there are currently only about 43,000,000 cars in Germany. So even even they would all be Teslas and not used for driving, we would still need 4x as many cars.

Ok, but the production of batteries is picking up quickly around the world. So at least it should not take too long to make the batteries we need?

In [29]:
battery_production_2016 = 28E3 # 28 gigawatt-hours
battery_production_2020 = 174E3 # 174 gigawatt-hours
print("With 2016 output it takes about {:.0f} years of battery production.".format(storage_needed_15/battery_production_2016))
print("With estimated 2020 output {:.0f} years.".format(storage_needed_15/battery_production_2020))
With 2016 output it takes about 821 years of battery production.
With estimated 2020 output 132 years.

That is too long, even if production doubles a few more times it takes at least 20 years and that would be for Germany only. We have too look into the details a bit more.

Why do we even need so much?

In [43]:
x = generation.index
start = 27600
stop = start + 34*24*4

ax1 = plt.subplot()
lines = ax1.plot(x[start:stop],prod_fit[start:stop]/1E3,label="production")
lines += ax1.plot(x[start:stop],load_15[start:stop]/1E3,label="load")


ax2 = ax1.twinx()
#lines += ax2.plot(x,(storage_15)/1E6,'k--',label="storage")
lines += ax2.plot(x[start:stop],(storage_15[start:stop]-min(storage_15))/1E6,'k',label="storage (corrected)")
labels = [l.get_label() for l in lines]


If we look at the first plot showing the storage usage during the whole year, we can see how our storage gets filled during the summer months and then drains rapidly during autumn. As we can see in the above figure, from the middle of October till the middle of November we have almost constant under production. So much so that we would have drained almost 3/4 of our storage. These four weeks are the main reason we need so much storage.

How to reduce the storage need?

Nevertheless, we are not underproducing all that much on most of the days. So what we could do is not just build as many renewables as we absolutely need, but just a few more. This will however complicate the storage calculation a bit.

What we have to do now is not just sum up the differences, as this would just fill our storage more and more. Instead we have to work our way backwards thought the year. For each timestep we check how much we over- or underproduced. If we have underproduction we add it to our storage need, since we now that this under production needs to be taken from storage which has to be filled in the days before. Then we look at the next time step which, since we are going backwards, is in fact the one before the current one. If we had over production in this time step, we can subtract it from you storage need until the storage need is 0. If we had underproduction in this timestep too we just add it to the storage need. We also keep track of the storage need for each time step we visit. This way if we need something from the storage in three consecutive days, we will have a very high storage need calculated in the day before that. But we also keep track of the possibility to refill the storage anytime.

In [31]:
def calc_need(diff):
    need = np.zeros_like(diff)
    state = 0
    for idx,d in enumerate(diff[::-1]):  #we iterate in reverse order
        if state + d > 0:
            need[idx] = 0
            state = 0
            need[idx] = -state - d
            state += d
    return need[::-1]  #and then reverse the result again
In [32]:
over_scale = 4.5
prod_over = prod_15 * over_scale

diff_over = prod_over - load_15
need = calc_need(diff_over)
storage_need = np.max(need)

print("storage needed {:.2f} TWh".format(storage_need/1E6))
storage needed 9.83 TWh

With only a slight overproduction we already decreased the storage need quite dramatically, to about half of what we needed before.

We can also calculate how our storage level would look like at any given point in time and use it to check if our calculations are correct. We just set the maximum level of storage need we calculated by going backwards though the year as our storage capacity, then fill the storage with any over-production and drain it as needed.

Furthermore, with this kind of backtracking, we can also consider the storage losses that would occour from self-discharge of Li-Ion batteries. We just need to consider that our storage need grows every time we move one timestep. It grows since we are moving backwards through the year and we are keeping track of the storage needs. So during one step forward in time, we would loose some energy, which means if we go backwards we need more capacity.

In [33]:
# Li-Ion batteries loose about 2-3% of charge per month of storage
qHour_in_month = 30*24*4
days_in_month = 30

def calc_need(diff,subs,loss_per_month = 1-0.02):
    loss_per_sub = np.exp(np.log(loss_per_month)/subs)
    need = np.zeros_like(diff)
    state = 0
    for idx,d in enumerate(diff[::-1]):
        if state + d > 0:
            need[idx] = 0
            state = 0
            state /= loss_per_sub
            need[idx] = -state - d
            state += d
    return need[::-1]

def calc_level(diff,subs,loss_per_month = 1-0.02):
    loss_per_sub = np.exp(np.log(loss_per_month)/subs)
    batt = np.zeros_like(diff)
    tmp = -np.min(np.cumsum(diff))*1.1  # 1.1 as safety margin
    for idx,d in enumerate(diff):
        tmp = min((storage_need,tmp*loss_per_sub+d))
        batt[idx] = tmp
    return batt
In [34]:
need = calc_need(diff_over,qHour_in_month)
storage_need = np.max(need)
level = calc_level(diff_over,qHour_in_month)

x = generation.index

As we can see, the storage will indeed be fully used during the critical time in November. We also exit the year with an almost full storage.

Let‘s see how much over-capacity reduces storage need

In the next figure we will compare the needed storage depending on how much more renewable capacity we installed then we would absolutly need. We can also use this to see the influence of the storage losses we introduced.

In [36]:
test_values = np.arange(3.9,10,0.3)
storage_need_array = np.zeros_like(test_values)
storage_need_array_nL = np.zeros_like(test_values)
over_production = np.zeros_like(test_values)
over_TWh = np.zeros_like(test_values)

for idx,over_scale in enumerate(test_values):
    prod_over = prod_15 * over_scale
    diff_over = prod_over - load_15

    over_production[idx] = np.sum(diff_over) / np.sum(prod_fit)
    over_TWh[idx] = np.sum(prod_over) - np.sum(load_15)
    need = calc_need(diff_over,qHour_in_month)
    storage_need_array[idx] = np.max(need)

    need = calc_need(diff_over,qHour_in_month,1)
    storage_need_array_nL[idx] = np.max(need)

ax1 = plt.subplot()
ax1.plot(over_production*100,storage_need_array/1E6,'*-',label="with loss")
ax2 = ax1.twiny()
ax1.plot(over_production*100,storage_need_array_nL/1E6,'*-',label="without loss")

all_prod = np.sum(prod_fit)
tmp = np.array(ax1.get_xticks())/100*all_prod

ax2.set_xticklabels(["{:.0f}".format(x) for x in tmp/1E6])
ax1.set_ylabel("storage needed (TWh)")
ax2.set_xlabel("overproduction (TWh)")
ax1.set_xlabel("overproduction (%)")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x1104dff60>

These results actully tells us two things:

  1. Losses only play a big role in the initial scenario, where we produce just as much as we need and, therefore, store energy for longer times;
  2. We have an almost exponential decrease in storage need, which then becomes more linear above 20% over production.

Make no mistake, it might look like an easy option to simply build 5x more renewables instad of just 4x times as much. However, the availability of too much power over long stretches of time might have massive consequences. It might "just" drive up consumption, as it will be cheaper during that time, or it might change the whole energy system. Electricity has been comparably cheap for a long time now, but if the capacity of installed renewables delivers more then we need over long stretches of time, energy will essentially be for free. There still costs attatched to maintainance and investments need to be repaid, but these costs are no longer related to the amount of power produced.

Additionally, once there is "free energy" other less efficient storage methods like power to gas become much more attractive. However, it might be that a lot of this energy might also be exported to other European countries, depending on the weather conditions there.

Either way, there is at least one more question we can explore with this data set. I will at first formulate the question in a more boring way, however, we can interpret the results in a much more exciting manner later on.

So the boring question is:

What is the role of time scales?

Does it matter if we look at the problem of storage on a sub-hourly level or with a montly resolution?

To explore this we will group the data by hours, days, weeks and months, to see how this changes the amount of storage that we need. So instead of looking at the data with 15 minute resolution, we sum it up to 60 minutes, 24 hours and so on.

In [39]:
def storage_time_group(scale):
    storage_need_ts = []

    prod_over = prod_15 * scale
    diff_over = prod_over - load_15

    need = calc_need(diff_over,30*24*4)
    over_production = np.sum(diff_over) / np.sum(prod_over)

    prod_60 = prod_15_df.groupby(pandas.TimeGrouper(freq="h")).sum().values
    load_60 = load_15_df.groupby(pandas.TimeGrouper(freq="h")).sum().values
    prod_60 *= scale
    diff_60 = prod_60 - load_60

    need = calc_need(diff_60,30*24)

    prod_day = prod_15_df.groupby(pandas.TimeGrouper(freq="D")).sum().values
    load_day = load_15_df.groupby(pandas.TimeGrouper(freq="D")).sum().values
    prod_day *= scale
    diff_day = prod_day - load_day

    need = calc_need(diff_day,30)

    prod_week = prod_15_df.groupby(pandas.TimeGrouper(freq="w")).sum().values
    load_week = load_15_df.groupby(pandas.TimeGrouper(freq="w")).sum().values
    prod_week *= scale
    diff_week = prod_week - load_week

    need = calc_need(diff_week,4)

    prod_month = prod_15_df.groupby(pandas.TimeGrouper(freq="M")).sum().values
    load_month = load_15_df.groupby(pandas.TimeGrouper(freq="M")).sum().values
    prod_month *= scale
    diff_month = prod_month - load_month

    need = calc_need(diff_month,1)

    return over_production,np.array(storage_need_ts)

storage_time_dict = {}
for scale in np.arange(3.9,7,0.5):
    over_prod,res = storage_time_group(scale)
    storage_time_dict[over_prod] = res
    plt.plot(range(len(res)),res/1E6,'*--',label="{:.0f}% overproduction".format(over_prod*100))

plt.xticks(range(len(res)), ["15 min","60 min","day","week","month"])
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x10f314eb8>

What we see in these results is nothing too surprising, if we look at more coarse time scales, we would need less storage. If we only look at the monthly data, e.g. how much we have produced and consumed during whole Janurary, we might not see that we have a lack of production during the first week and over production during the second. On a first look the only intersting outcome is that there is very little change between quarterhourly, hourly and daily grouping of the data, which tells us we should work with at least daily time resolution.

How much "storage" can we get from smart appliances?

However we can also interpret this data differently. Take for example the daily aggregated data. In this data we do not look anymore if there was enough production for the peak hours in the morning or evening, we just check if there was as much production as consumption for the whole day. This way of ignoring the daily peaks can be thought of as and ideal form of demand response. Since we consume all of the days' energy whenever it is available, consumption perfectly follows production, which is nothing more than demand response at its core.

Therefore, this data can also answer the question of how much the "smart dishwasher" can help us reduce the need for storage by adjusting the time when it cleans the dishes. So let's rearrange things so that we can better see these changes. For that, we will plot just the change of storage need in comparison to the base scenario of 15 minutes resolution:

In [40]:
best = np.zeros(4)

with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
    for op,res in storage_time_dict.items():
        plt.plot(range(len(res)-1),(res[1:]-res[0])/1E6,'*--',label="{:.0f}% overproduction".format(op*100))
        plt.plot(range(len(res)-2),(res[1:-1]-res[0])/res[1:-1]*100,'*--',label="{:.0f}% overproduction".format(op*100))
        best = np.minimum(best,(res[1:]-res[0])/res[1:])

plt.xticks(range(len(res)-1), ["60 min","day","week","month"])


plt.xticks(range(len(res)-2), ["60 min","day","week"])

print("biggest decrease for:\ndayliy load shift: {:.2f}%\nweekly load shift: {:.2f}%".format(best[1]*100,best[2]*100) )
biggest decrease for:
dayliy load shift: -19.35%
weekly load shift: -66.81%

Looking at the data this way might be a little big discouraging at first. If we assume a smart applicance can only shift load within a day or less, the resulting storage decreases are very little, saving about half a TWh of storage. Nevertheless, with current technology storage is expensive and not needing 500GWh would mean many pumped hydro stations would not need to be built. In case of very high overproduction, demand response might even reduce the storage need by 10 to 20%.


  • For powering Germany with Wind, Solar and Biomass we need at least 5TWh of storage.
  • To reduce storage need significant over-production is needed
  • The use of li-ion batteries to power the whole system seems very questionable
  • The role of demand response is very limited

This whole notebook can be downloaded here.